Sunday, January 17, 2010

Good Morning,

So I'm a bit tired this morning. But nonetheless I'm here, as if I have a choice... So yeah anyway last night I was talking to a friend online. And we were talking about how people always say when something goes wrong, that it happens for a reason. After some of the bad luck I've been through the last thing I want to hear is, "Everything happens for a reason". Besides I'm not sold on that philosophy. I believe more in that each and everyone of us are free falling from the sky. Like a snow flakes... (don't laugh just yet) Some fast, some slow. Some looking different then others. Each and everyone of us starts by falling, obviously in the same direction. But a sudden gust of wind changes are direction, and bumps us into each other, changing are characteristics. We might actually stick together then another gust of wind could break us apart. The point I'm trying to make is that not always are we in control over how we live our lives. We are manipulated by a wide range of things. For instance we can get the best education and still because of the job market or unemployment were still at square one. Were not the only ones in control of our destiny. Yeah we can work as hard as we can to keep going in the same direction but ultimately any force can knock you so far off course that its impossible to stay going in the same direction. I adopted this philosophy after my failed relationships. Those who know me know I was married twice. Both of which ended in divorce. Unfortunately these women in my life felt that nothing was worth working on and cheated. This of course as it would anyone. set my life in a bit of a spin. Ive adjusted and recovered, learned from my mistakes. But I'm not the same person anymore. They were the force that knocked me off course and set me off in a different direction. I hope i haven't rambled on to much. I'm in no way dismissing anyone Else's philosophy i just have my own set of beliefs...

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