Friday, January 15, 2010

Back To Work

So im on my way to Indiana to finish my last month of MOB training for heading to Afghanistan. i have to tell you theres alot of feelingd running through my mind. From uncertainty of whats to come, to thinking about my son as he copes with the absence of his daddy and his best buddy. oh and i cant forget VP an amazing women that i have gotten to know and respect. and honestly has left me in complete awe. ive got to admit its a little strange departing nh, its hard getting over that feeling of believing youll be home in a few weeks. instead i need tp keep reminding myself of the span of time in which ill be gone. its un nerving, but as tough as it is leaving home, friends and family. i know ill make it through. i hope for those of you that have never served, you understand the incredible sacrific our brave men and women of the united states military make to country and family. next time your complaining of some small inconveniance, or your of the long line at the fatty burger. step back and remember those that are serving far from home living under constant fear of the end, eating MREs or sleeping in a fighting position... be greatful of your freedom. i love each and every one of you.j

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